
New government report shows that in 2015 the incidents of car related deaths increased significantly since 2007. According to a recent Fortune Magazine article titled:  “Why this could be the deadliest driving year in nearly a decade,” a report by the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA) and the National Safety Council (NSC) shows auto-related deaths increasing 9.5% in the first three months of 2015. The NSC cited a 14% rise in the first 6 months and car-related deaths now expected to surpass 40,000.

According to the article, experts agree the following three factors are the most common causes of fatal car accidents:

  • Speeding,
  • Intoxication, and
  • Failure to use seat belts

However, the role of cellphones cannot be underestimated and it is closely being analyzed as a cause by agencies like the NSC. Their estimate shows one in four car crashes involve a cell phone.

Automakers, regulators and safety experts are currently discussing how technology can help to prevent accidents, with smart phones seen as a major contributor of distracted driving than in previous years.  Voice conversations even hands free is considered highly distracting, so are actions like texting, taking selfie photos and videos and posting to social media. The NSC favors a full ban of cellphones during driving, even with hands-free.

Car manufacturers are proposing high tech solutions to lessen and prevent distracted driving such as emergency braking systems, voice and motion controls and heads-up displays (HUD) like holograms. However, regulators are not entirely keen on many of the suggestions by car makers as they believe this technology may distract drivers in other ways.

Motor vehicle accident cases are complicated. Anyone involved in a motor vehicle accident needs to select an experienced auto accident lawyer with expertise in handling all the facets of these difficult cases.

If you or a loved one was a victim of a motor vehicle accident, contact Babbitt & Johnson P.A. at (561) 375-2841 for a free consultation. We are dedicated to ensuring your rights are protected, and accept cases throughout the U.S.

Every case we accept is handled on a contingency basis, so you won’t be charged any attorney’s fees unless we win.