Mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily life. While there are benefits of its use (like help with navigation or for emergency calls on the side of the road), they quickly become overshadowed by their distraction risks…especially texting while driving.
A Huffington Post article titled: “10 Statistics That Capture the Danger of Texting and Driving” shares alarming statistics from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Below are five statistics that spell out just how dangerous texting and distracted driving really is to our health:
- Every day, 9 Americans are killed from motor vehicle accidents that involved distracted driving, such as using a cell phone, texting or eating.1 out of 4 motor vehicle crashes involved a cellphone.40% of teens say they have been a passenger in a car whose driver used a cellphone in a way that put them in danger.
- 33% of U.S. drivers ages 18 to 64 reported reading or writing text messages while driving in the previous month. In comparison, only 15 percent of drivers from Spain reported texting while driving in the same period.
- 341,000 motor vehicle crashes in 2013 involved texting.
- Using a cellphone while driving increases the risk of a crash by 4 times
The injuries in mobile phone-related accidents can be much more severe than in other accidents. To use a cell phone, the driver must take his or her eyes off the road. If traffic stops suddenly and the driver is looking down, he or she may not have time to react quickly and hit the brakes before crashing into the car ahead. Distracted drivers are also prone to drifting into adjacent lanes. If the driver drifts into oncoming traffic, it could result in a full-speed, head-on collision.
As Florida Auto Accident Attorneys, we represent victims who are severely injured in serious car accidents due to cell/mobile phone usage. Attorneys at our firm have a complete understanding of the benefits provided to injury victims under the law, and we fight aggressively to secure compensation that accommodates current and future need that can go on way beyond the date the accident occurred.
If you have been involved in a distracted driver accident, it’s important to speak with an attorney about the injuries you have suffered at the hands of a distracted driver. We give you an honest assessment of your case and explain your legal options. You can reach us by phone at (561) 375-2841.
We handle cases on a contingency basis meaning you won’t be charged any attorney fees unless we win.